How Many Discord Servers can you join-ImasterPro

Last Updated on May 1, 2022

Discord has already become a famed voice, video, and chat app with the gaming facility that people love. Once you get into Discord, you will surely want to visit the servers of your preference. In this case, you cannot join as many as you want, unfortunately.

There’s a limit to joining the servers here. So, how many Discord servers can you join after opening the account? Let’s learn about the limit, the reason for the limit, and the largest servers now!

Limit of Discord Servers

If you are planning to join a Discord server, Discord appreciated it! But can you join as many Discord servers as you want? Well, no, you can’t! There’s a limit to Discord servers that you can join. A single Discord user can join 1 to 100 servers.

And there, you can adjust the servers you want to receive notifications from and the ones that you want to skip. Also, adding a nickname for every 100 servers is available here.

However, Discord is growing fast. Discord may increase its server limit shortly for the sake of keeping it in the leading position for the Discord users as it is now!

How Many Discord Servers Can You Join

The Reason for Limiting Discord Servers

Some people love to join servers. And so, it’s a common question that why there is a limit to join servers more than 100. Well, Discord clears this out from their side.

According to support the goal of Discord, they have server member’s caps for certifying that Discord users have a good experience.

To maintain the foster healthy communities, Discord has created the limit. In short, for the perfect balance in maintaining Discord, this step is taken.

The Maximum Categories and Channels

The maximum number of categories that you can join with one Discord is 50. On the other hand, the total number of channels you can go for is 50 too. Yes, Discord affords you flexibility when it comes to going for servers, channels, or categories. However, there’s this limit for the users.

Several Discord Servers at Once

As we have already mentioned that you can join 100 Discord servers at best. However, you cannot open all of them together. If you are planning to be on two Discord servers at once, it is not possible.

You cannot have two Discord servers opened together. At the same time, on one screen, only one Discord server can be opened. So, no matter how many servers have you joined, you always will be capable of being in one Discord server at once.

Joining More Servers on Discord

If you have just opened a Discord account, you might want to join new servers. To join the new servers, first of all, you have to get into Discord and search the left sidebar to find the PLUS (+) icon there. Once you find it, click it and then click on Join a Server.

Joining More Servers on Discord

It’s time to paste the invite link here and then, click on the option Join. And you are there! You have joined a new server. In this method, you can join from one to hundred Discord servers.

Largest Discord Servers

As you are here to learn about how many Discord serves you can get added to, you might want to learn about the largest Discord servers now. Well, the first name here is Fortnite and then Genshin Impact.

These are the largest Discord servers now. Also, Minecraft along with Valorant gets the third and fourth position. Join them if you want, you still have 100 more to join!

How to Join a Discord Server – Public and Private Servers


how many discord servers can you make?

Well! This is not depending on payment or the free version of discord users. Normally you can create servers as many as you need but must not exceed 100 servers. So you can create 100 discord servers from a single account.

Wrap Up

Getting into Discord and not joining the server you love is a waste! Trust us and join the best Discord servers of your choice. There are one hundred servers that you can still join. Try them on. Also, after adding the Discord server, if you don’t feel like being there, you can simply leave the server too!

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